
Teeth - pain in molars

Prof Mahesh Verma
Maulana Azad Institute of Dental Sciences,
New Delhi

Q: I went to a doctor six month ago because of pain in my molar tooth. I got X-ray done of my molar tooth. The doctor recommended to get root canal done. After two months pain again started under my tooth, I went back to the doctor he told me that it is the seepage of saliva that caused the pain. Again, he recommended root canal filling, to which I agreed. Now after four months, same problem has emerged again. Now the doctor is recommending capping. Please recommend a way out of such a situation.

A:Inspite of best efforts, root canal treatment is never 100 per cent successful and may fail after some time. Most root canal treated teeth require a post root canal restoration and cap since the teeth tends to be brittle and fracture. The treatment undertaken is seemingly right, however has to be further corroborated with X-rays and clinical examinations.