
Surgery - Marfans syndrome

Dr OP Yadava
CEO & Chief Cardiac Surgeon,
National Heart Institute,
New Delhi

Q: I have Marfans syndrome. Now the root of the aorta is dilated to 5.9 cm. There is aortic leak grade 3. Doctors say I require root replacement. What is the risk rate in surgery? Which hospitals in India do such surgeries routinely?

A:You have Marfans syndrome with aortic regurgitation. This requires Aortic Root Replacement surgery, this surgery is done under cardiopulmonary bypass (on a heart lung machine). We at the Sir Ganga Ram Hospital perform this kind of surgery routinely. Any major cardiac centre performing open heart surgeries in my knowledge can do such surgeries routinely. The risk involved in this surgery in any major cardiac centre is negligible. Exact risk involved can only be evaluated after seeing the complete details of your case.