
Skin - boils on genitals

Prof (Dr) DM Thappa
Associate Professor and Head,
Dermatology and STD Department, JIPMER,

Q: Doctor I get boils on my private area. I have observed that this boil comes immediately or a day after we have intercourse. I do get some rashes and itching sensation and then i have to apply some external medicine to heal that which almost becomes like a wound with puss. I get the boil either on the clitoris, inside the clitoris or the area of penetration. I sometimes use Betadine or Soomag to heal that and it takes few days to heal up. Please advise.

A:Most likely you are suffering from candidal vulvovaginitis. Examination of your husband and you both is mandatory. Simple vaginal examination with a KOH preparation of discharge and a Grams stained smear can clinch the diagnosis. Depending upon frequency of this problem, a blood sugar examination may be required. May be your husband may have the same problem. Consult a dermatologist/Venereologist for appropriate antifungal therapy on confirmation of your diagnosis.