
Should we be worried about the elevated T3 levels of our daughter?

Dr Archana Arya
Consultant Pediatric Endocrinologist,
Centre for Child Health,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New delhi

Q: My daughter was born with a birth weight of 2 kg. Now at the age of 10 months, her weight is 14 kgs, which is excessive according to the paediatrician. Several tests like x-ray of left hand, chest, left femur were done without detecting any abnormalities. Thereafter T3, T4, TSH and cholesterol tests were also done. T3 came out to be 3.55 ng/ml, T4 = 7.70ug/dl, TSH = 3.37 uIU/ml and cholesterol = 179 mg/dl. Seeing the report the doctor suggested discussing the matter with an endocrinologist. On discussions with several doctors about her food habits, it has been detected that my daughter was overfed. Now we are worried about the increased T3. Is it very much alarming? What should we do?

A:The T3 level in babies is normally a little higher than the adult levels, but your baby's T3 level is high according to the reference value for a 10 month old baby girl. Since the T4 and TSH are normal, there is probably no need to worry about it, but you should get the test repeated.