
Should I undergo surgery for nasal blockage?

Dr Aru Handa
Senior Consultant,
Moolchand Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 55 years old man and have been suffering from deviated nasal septum (DNS) for the last 20 years. I had problem in breathing during night. The doctor advised me to undergo DNS operation as soon as possible. For second opinion, I consulted another ENT specialist who advised me to do Pranayama (breathing exercise) and in case of emergency, use Otrivin nasal drops. He diagnosed my condition as minor DNS with allergy problem. I managed with this medicine for the last 20 years. Now I feel that I am getting habituated to Otrivin and feel difficulty during Pranayama. Should I undergo surgery? What is the success rate of this operation?

A:Surgery for deviated nasal septum (septoplasty) is successful if done for the right indication i.e. the surgeon should make sure that the cause of nasal blockage is deviated nasal septum. Thorough ENT examination along with CT scan, if required, helps to rule out other causes of nasal blockage like sinusitis or turbinate hypertrophy. Turbinates are normally present but can become hypertrophied in some cases. Adjunctive procedures like turbinoplasty or resection is required along with septoplasty if there is turbinate hypertrophy.