
Role of slimming centres in losing weight?

Hansa Kanuga
Consultant Physiotherapist,
Apollo clinic,

Q: This question is regarding my wife. She weighs 64 kgs with a height of 152 cm. She is 26 years old. She wanted to become slim and has gone miles in dieting like skipping breakfast and everything but with no results. Now we plan to go for slimming institute like VLCC, etc. I wanted to know how effective is their methodology and what are the chances of getting back the weight after some time. They are claiming to reduce 7 kg of fat which will ultimately reduce the 12 kg weight through some massages and it is quite expensive also. Can you help me out?

A:I would not like to comment on any marketing anyone is doing, but I can tell you the correct way to go about as I usually advise my patients.If your wife is in the medium frame range, she would need to reduce about 10 kgs. It is true some weight loss schemes tend to give quick results but people tend to regain all the lost weight once they are off the programme. Being on constant binge and starve cycles cause fluctuations in weight and can take them on an emotional roller coaster and all they lose in the bargain is peace of mind. With every such loss and gain cycle, the body adapts to a set weight and losing it in the next cycle becomes more difficult. Besides that, there is a risk of gallstones during periods of rapid weight loss and accumulation of fat around stomach during the weight gain period which has been known to cause diabetes. So, the best thing for your wife would be firstly, to give up this binge and starve cycle and secondly, to commit herself to a healthy life style and thirdly, select a programme like swimming, cycling or brisk walking (associated with aerobic exercises) for half an hour twice. As far as diet is concerned, she can go on oil-free diet or consult a good physician.