
Problems in conceiving

Dr Abha Majumdar
Head, Centre of IVF & Human Reproduction,
Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am having a hormonal problem and also a problem with my periods, which are irregular and come only after taking medicines. There is also a problem in developing egg. Now with injections, I have developed an egg and we also have gone for IUI. Kindly tell what are the chances of concieving. My egg size is 19 after injections. Is this a very serious problem?

A:No this is not a very serious problem and you can try again the same injections to make an egg. However, only the size of the egg is not enough to tell us that your egg is okay, have estradiol levels done along with and if that is alright IUI may help you get pregnant. You may require 3, 4 to 6 cycles of ovulation induction with IUI to get pregnant if your tubes are okay.