Please suggest some exercises for sacroiliac joint pain?
Consultant Physiotherapist,
Apollo clinic,
Q: What causes sacroiliac joint strain? I am 39 years old with active life. Can you let me know the excercises which give strength to the hip muscles preventing further strain and reducing the pain?
A:Sacroiliac strain may be caused by soft tissue hormone softening effects of pregnancy, by lifestyle or long periods of bending, lifting and motions that cause hyperextension of the joint which are capable of producing a torsion strain resulting in an acute onset with tenderness over the joint accentuated by palpation.I suggest, you should get yourself clinically examined and find out if your discomfort is caused by a misalignment of your pelvis or tension in the large muscles of the hips and pelvis (which may cause the joint to stiffen) or a strain (due to looseness or hyper mobility in the joints). Very often, one sacroiliac joint is stiff and the other is hyper mobile creating an imbalance and discomfort on either side. (1) If your joint is hyper mobile, you should start with backbends, lying on the stomach. (push ups, bow arching pose, alternate leg lifting, alternate hand and leg lifting).(2) Afterwards, add twists and forward bends.(3) You may have to strengthen one and stretch the other. Find a balance that is right for your body.(4) Try and take care of your postures while sleeping, lying and sitting.(5) Avoid sitting for long periods.(6) Lying on your side with hip and knee in flexion is the best posture for sleeping.(7) Try and avoid jerky movements while getting up from sitting position.(8) Do not push heavy objects by bending your trunk.(9) Carry weights in both hands to balance the strain on your spine.(10) Wear comfortable footwear; avoid wearing high heels.