
Please give me data about diabetics and hypertensive patients in India?

Dr Shirish Kumar

Q: I want data about the number of diabetes patients in India. What is the rate and chances that diabetics end up with renal/kidney failure? Also give some information about the hypertension.

A:The WHO figures say that there are an estimated 30 to 33 million diabetics in India now, and every fourth diabetic in the world today is an Indian. More than half of diabetics (53%) in India are above 60 years and more than 85% are above 45 years. In India, the prevalence of diabetes is 11% between 65-69 years age. Diabetic nephropathy occurs in up to a third of all people with diabetes and the following factors increase the risk: high blood pressure, smoking, poor control of blood sugar, being male.In India, hypertension has become a major health problem. Epidemiological studies show a steadily increasing trend in hypertension prevalence over the last 40 years, more in urban than in the rural areas. Studies of hypertension in general population have shown that secondary hypertension with high BP is present in 1.1% to 5.7% of subjects but the prevalence of hypertension varies considerably from one region of India to another.