
Please clear my pre-marriage doubts?

Q: I am 27 years old and have been masturbating for 8 years, 4 times a week. The time I get excited and ejaculate in is less than 10 minutes. I will be getting married in another 6 months. I have a psychological problem and fear whether I will be able to satisfy my wife? Will masturbation lead to problems like premature ejaculation? How can it be rectified? I don't want my penis to get deflated before her orgasm? When I try to remove my foreskin, I feel pain. Do you recommend circumcision? Is this surgery painful? It has been long said and scientifically proved that marriage within close relations might end up in genetic defects in the. In my case my would-be wife is my close relative. Are there any tests that we can undergo to verify the safety of our future child? Will marriage-counselling help?

A:As has been explained many times on this website, please be informed that masturbation does not lead to any problem in sex or married life. In fact it is considered a very safe method to satisfy ones urge/ sexual desire. Your other problem (foreskin being tight) needs to be evaluated. Management will depend on the severity of the problem. Please consult a surgeon for that. For marriage within close relatives, it is best to consult a paediatrician having a genetic medicine experience. Yes, there are certain tests available these days, which can be done to predict possibility of occurrence of genetic disorders in such marriages.