
Pin piercing

Dr Anju Virmani
Consultant Endocrinologist,
Sunder Lal Jain Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: Sir This problem about which I am writing is for my wife aged 49yrs. She is diabetic for the last five years . For the laat four months she has feeling of pin piercing at bottom of her feet and due to this whole legs become very tight as she tells. I have tried homeopathy ,herbal ,at the moment she is taking Dionil5.0mg 1 tab.twice plus some calcium tabs but the problem is not improving . This has caused too much depression in her also. Please advice what to do.

A:What your wife is suffering from appears to be diabetic neuropathy (nervedamage due to diabetes), though without a complete evaluation one cannot beabsolutely sure. She will need to have tight control of diabetes, andspecific medicines for the nerves. She should contact a good diabetologistfor treatment of the present problem, as well as prevention of furthercomplications.