
Pain in the shins

Ms Neeta Garg
Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Wellness expert,

Q: Why do I develop severe pain in the shinswhile I am walking? I have changed my shoes twice, with no effect. I seem to have no problems while I work out in the gym or while I do aerobics. Also, the pain eases off as soon as I stop walking.

A:The reason for pain in the shins could be due to poor walking habits or somepredisposition in the shin area. For the latter, you may have to check witha good orthopeadic doctor to rule out any ailment.One of the reasons that pain is felt in this area is that you might bewalking with your toes pointing upwards, continuosly. This increases thetension in the shins which may explain why there is no pain when you stopwalking or take on another activity like aerobic classes or why walkinguphill or very brisk, increases the pain. To reduce this, consciously thinkof relaxing your toes while you walk, a habit that may take a little whileto adapt.You may also like to change the surface you are walking on. If it is toohard, that may be one of the reasons you could be experiencing pain.Ideally, a soft mud surface is good to walk on. To find some temporary relief, you may like to stretch the shin area, before and after you walk. You can do this by sitting with your legs out in front of you and pointing your toes as far forward as you can. Try to get someone to help you as you do this.