
Neurology - Feet tingling

Dr Mathew Varghese
Head, Department of Orthopaedics,
St. Stephens Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I have recently observed that for the past one week when I sit on a chair there is a slight tingle which begins from my feet upwards and my palm to my elbow. Could it be because I sit in an airconditioned room for more than 8 hours a day?Last month once after intercourse, for a fraction of a second I felt a kind of pull in both my legs. What could it be?

A:Your symptom of tingling on sitting and subsequent episode of pull on both legs could be as a result of a nerve root pain. However, this cannot explain your symptoms on your palm and elbow. Patients with symptoms in both upper limbs and lower limb should be investigated for diabetes mellitus or cervical spine problems. It is very difficult to decide based on your sketchy history.If you have persistent symptoms, I would suggest that you seek help from an Orthopaedic surgeon.