
My wife has a fibroid, should be get an abortion done?

Dr Anuj Sharma
Faculty member, Department of Family Medicine,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,

Q: My wife, 36 years old, has got pregnant after a gap of 14 years but as per the ultrasound reports she is having a fibroid of 92 mm * 82 mm size and also multiple fibroid. the doctor is insisting for an abortion due to non availability of the space for the child growth. Kindly advise further, what should we do?

A:From your question it is not clear where in the uterus the largest fibroids are located. Generally speaking, most women with fibroids go on to have normal pregnancies and deliveries. Due to increased estrogen during the fibroids do enlarge during early pregnancy causing severe pain. Some times they regress because their blood supply can not keep up with the rapidly growing size, causing severe pain and some bleeding. Fibroids do increase the risk of miscarriages, preterm labour or birth, breech presentations, and increased risk of C-Section. If you have any doubts about your doctors advice, I will suggest getting a second opinion from an academic canter physician.