
My warts recur after treatment, what should I do?

Prof (Dr) DM Thappa
Associate Professor and Head,
Dermatology and STD Department, JIPMER,

Q: I am suffering from warts and I went to a dermatologist and he suggested for cautery (electrical burning) and he did cautery on right hand, two fingers but still I am suffering with the warts. Then I used the Retino-A & Glyco-A, but still they have not gone, so once again I have taken the electrical cautery and then after a week warts came on same fingers. I have applied the salacten acid and there is no result. Then I used the podowat acid also but there is no change. I went to so many dermatologists but there is no use. My age is 25 years and I have been suffering from the warts problem since 6 years. Please advise.

A:Warts are caused by human papilloma viruses and are unpredictable in their response to therapy. Cytodestructive methods like chemical cautery, electrosurgery, cryotherapy or laser are usually tried. Rarely immunomodulatory drugs or autogenous inoculation are tried. You may consult another dermatologist and may try cryotherapy or laser therapy, as they are advanced therapies.