
My sister dominates my life, what should I do?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: I am 30 years old and my sister 25 years old. I think I am developing sibling rivalry. My younger sister is getting married soon. Yesterday, one of the cousins came home and she said that now she'll have so many people to dance at her wedding, including the cousin and her friends. But she never took my name. I was hurt because I was supposedly very close to her. We had a mixed group of friends. She used to tell me everything about her life, but now she avoids me. I am not doing well in my career. So whenever we go out, she pays. My parents don't give me any money, so she started snapping at me each time we went out, that you are not allowed to have a say, since you are not paying. She flirts with my friends, in front of me. She knows that I like one guy even though we moved on, but she still does it. I hate when she gets along or is given more attention by my friend. If I complain to my parents, they don't listen to me. No one likes to talk to me, I feel lonely. I am a bit cranky. Sometimes I behave like a child. I feel that people of my age are so understanding and matured. I feel insecure with my sister, otherwise I behave very naturally around others. She dominates me to and my folks also believe her. I want to learn winning conversations. Please advise.

A:Since you feel that you have sibling rivalry, it is better for you to plan activities with your friends, rather than with your sister. Do not put yourself in situations in which you will get hurt. Try and take up a job in a helping position, like helping to care of the aged, for example and you will find a whole new world opening for you. Your sister will get married and move out soon, I imagine. Take responsibility for your own life and try and keep good relationships with your parents and your friends. As you say, we are not all alike, so why should we get unhappy making comparisons?