
My daughter misses her grandparents a lot, what should I do?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: How does the child get affected when one parent shows more affection towards the other child? I have two daughters; my second daughter was with her grandparents since the age of 3 months and is 3 years old now. I have brought her back, but my husband is unable to give her the same attention as he gives to our elder daughter who is 5 years old. My second daughter is very close to her grandfather. She gets close to men easily. She misses her grandfather very much and wants to talk to him every day. She's unable to accept that the place where she's living is her home too. She always says that her home is where her grandparents are and she wants to go back. She tries to get close to her father and play with him. She blushes at the slightest good thing he does for her, but when she feels that he's not interested in playing with her, her blushes fade away. My eldest daughter is getting closer to her father day by day. Please advise.

A:Your child has been taken care by her grandparents and it is natural that she misses them and thinks of them as closest to her. Please see it from her point of view and make it possible for her to spend some time with them as often as possible. Let her talk on the phone to her grandfather. I think you should discuss this with your husband and suggest that he interacts with both his daughters.A child is not a pawn on a chessboard to be moved around at the will of the parents. Even very young children have emotions and attachments and whatever you do should respect their feelings.