
My daughter is quite inactive, suggest suitable diet and exercises?

Q: My 12y old daughter is overweight and weighs more than 50 kgs (birth wt. 2.6 kg) though she doesnt eat much. Also the weight is more on her legs. She doesnt do much physical activity thanks to the study load. She is smart at everything and has to be often motivated to study or else she feels that she studying for our benefit. I sometimes find it hard to continuously motivate her to study. If she is dedicated she will definitely do her best. It may be genetic as my husband too is like that. Please suggest a correct diet, physical activities and ways to motivate her to study.

A:For her diet, introduce isolated soya protein. Also you can give her multi-vitamin tablet Centrium daily one.In physical activities, try to organise and arrange games and other sports activities that she likes. You should also sit down with her an do some dream-building wherein it will help her to find out what is that she likes and live up to it. Besides all this, both parents should start their own fitness regime. Parents being fitness conscious themselves can motivate their children to be the same. Thus, the entire family cultivates a habit of team effort. This is known as Think fitness in Groups. Let her friends also be fitness freak.However, with regards to diet, I would need certain details like her food habits, her food preferences, what are her tastes in food, her routine days food schedule, etc. Also, her medical and psychological history.