
My child's tear ducts are blocked, what do I do?

Dr Pradeep Sharma
Strabismus and Neuro-Ophthalmology,
AIIMS, New Delhi

Q: I have a daughter aged 1 year 9 months. From birth, her tear ducts have been blocked. She has watery eyes. Doctors had prescribed Orflox eye drops, which helped control it but not the watering. Doctors have now suggested probing of the tear ducts. Wanted to know if the probing is not done, will the condition continue forever, or will it eventually open out as an adult. Also what will be the after effects of the probing. Is it risky, should I go ahead with it, or should I wait?

A:The child seems to be having Congenital Dacryocystitis. In such cases if the conservative management like lacrimal sac massage and antibiotic drops don't work, then probing and syringing is done, which sometimes has to be repeated. It is a relatively safe procedure.