
My child is having low grade fever, what should I do?

Dr Anju Seth
Professor of Pediatrics,
LHMC, New Delhi

Q: I have a 6 months old baby who has been suffering from low grade fever for the last 2 weeks. After getting her blood test done, it was found that the WBC count is 13,000 while the lymphocytes are 84%. I am a very worried father. Currently, we are giving her paracetamol, Cefzil (antibiotic), Isoprinosine and Asmafort. She also sneezes 4 to 5 times in a day. Lately, I have found that she is straining herself as if she wants to pass stools. I seek your advice in the matter.

A:Kindly record your baby's fever by keeping a thermometer under her arm-pit for at least 3 minutes. Maintain a temperature record. A temperature of more than 37.5 C is fever. If your child has documented fever for the last 2 weeks, she needs a complete clinical evaluation in addition to some tests apart from the blood counts that you have mentioned. These are, incidentally, near normal and as such do not suggest any particular disease. You should see a paediatrician with the temperature record of 2-3 days. I am afraid it is really not possible to comment any further without seeing the child.