
My brother's partner is extremely possessive about him, how can I help?

Ms Arpita Anand
Consultant Psychologist,
New Delhi

Q: My brother has fallen in love with his colleague who is divorcee. She is extremely possessive about him. To the extent that she doesn't want him to talk to anybody including his friends and even me & my brother. Throughout his life, he has been active, social, friendly and helping person. Now he is totally cut off from the rest of the world. He doesn't seem to be happy in the relationship yet he doesn't want to leave her. Day and night she calls him number of times and wants his total attention. He says she is obsessed and needs psychiatric help. What should we do? I don't want my brother's life to be ruined.

A:I understand your concern about this relationship that your brother in involved in. The best thing will be to talk to your brother in a non-judgmental manner. Do not be critical about this lady as he is likely to become defensive. Simply ask him to describe his feelings and thoughts regarding this relationship. If you say that he does not appear to be too happy himself let him share these feelings so that he has an outlet. Then suggest ways of dealing with the situation that may include him consulting a mental health professional along with this lady so that some objective feedback can be sought with regards to their relationship.