
My biopsy report shows 'sertoli cell only'; what does it mean?

Prof S Parija
Professor & Head,
Dept. Of Microbiology, JIPMER, Pondicherry

Q: I have some doubt regarding infertility problem. I got a biopsy done from the National Pathological Lab. On seeing the report, I did not understand the word sertoli cell only. What does this mean? I have no child, and the only option left is adoption.

A:Going through your letter and report, I wish to mention that the presence of scrotal cells in the biopsy report is suggestive of a Sertoli cell only syndrome seen in 29% males. The presence of sertoli cells only is a feature associated with male infertility. However, this will hold true only if the biopsy is a representation of both the testes.