
My 6 year old has adenoids, please advice?

Dr PSN Menon
Consultant & Head, Department of Pediatrics
Jaber Al-Ahmed Armed Forces Hospital, Kuwait

Q: My son is 6 years old. When he was around 4y, he had mild asthma and he gets this trouble about 2 or 3 times a year. This started when we were in India and but are now in Saudi Arabia for the past 2 years. Here during winters he has constant running nose or nasal block. The child specialist says he has Adenoids and requires surgery. His ears are clear and there is no other problem. He has been under the E.N.T. specialist for the past six months who finally concluded that our child has little adenoid growth and requires no surgery, as it will regress with age. His teeth are not strong and he had some swelling in the gums. As treatment, he has been given medicines for allergy and some times antibiotics. They tested some liquid from the nose and the result came as heavy growth of Streptococcus pneumoniae. His mother suffers from sinusitis for the past 10 – 15 years and had latent diabetes when she was carrying this boy. My questions are: 1. Can we leave this treatment as such and hope it will be o.k. as he grows? 2. Does he require some further treatment for this? 3. What is a hay fever? As he often gets fever. 4. Can you please suggest some good doctor in Chennai/Bombay if at all we need further treatment? 5. Are there any food items that should be avoided or diet that is recommended for this problem? 6. Can he have a daily head bath or should it be restricted to 2/3 times a week?

A:Here are my replies to your questions:

  • As far as adenoids are concerned, the problems can recur off and on, but will subside with treatment. It may entirely disappear as he grows older.
  • I don't think so. You are in good hands.
  • Hay fever is a common tern used to denote an allergy to pollen and grass, which makes some people sneeze a lot. It usually does not produce fever as the name suggests.
  • There are a number of specialists in Mumbai and Chennai, who are experts in allergy and respiratory diseases for children. I know only a few of them. I suggest Dr Y K Amdekar/Dr Keya Lahiri in Mumbai and Dr N Somu/Dr L Subramanyam in Chennai.
  • No. There is no evidence that the present problem is due to food allergy. It could be. Let your treating doctor explain that to you.
  • No. Give head bath daily as usual unless the child is sick.