
Itching all over the body

Prof (Dr) DM Thappa
Associate Professor and Head,
Dermatology and STD Department, JIPMER,

Q: My problem is that after just taking the bath, itching starts at all body parts. Itching remains for approximately 15 to 20 minuts and then automatically it subsides. During the itching it feels like that thousands of pins are inserted at differnt parts of body and continous rubbing of body help to relief from this. Fan also helps to get relief. This problem is from last six years. It remains the same in all the seasons. Prolem remains same after taking bath from either cold water or hot water or with using soap or with out using of soap, intensity of itching remains same.

A:You are suffering from Aquagenic urticaria i.e., urticaria due to water. An oil message before bath and use of a medicine at night like cetrizine 10 mg(1 tablet) may help you. Best alternative is cyproheptadine if you do not respond to cetrizine. In addition, some blood tests and stool for ova and cyst test may be required to treat any underlying cause. You may consult a dermatologist.