
Is Tryptomer a safe anti-depressant?

Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi

Q: My 43 years old mother depressed and reports experiencing shivering inside her body. She cries a lot and tells that something is happening inside her body. The doctor has prescribed her Tryptomer 10 mg daily before sleeping. As prescribed, she is taking the medicine daily and is feeling considerably better. Is it safe to continue this drug? Does it have any side effects?

A:Tryptomer (amitriptyline) is an old, well-tried and tested anti-depressant. Medical profession has lot of experience with this drug. Unlike some newer, aggressively promoted, expensive anti-depressants, Tryptomer is much safer. Moreover 10 mg at bedtime is a very low dose and most unlikely to cause adverse effects.