
Is there any surgery for varicose veins?

Dr Shiban Chaku

Q: I am 25 years old man suffering from varicose veins in the left leg for the last 8 years. I cannot walk and stand for long. It is now in the stage of developing ulcers. Is there any surgery to treat this?

A:Reading the question I was not sure if you have an ulcer secondary to varicose veins, or that you feel that the ulcer is imminent. However, if the ulcer has already started then attempt has to be made to heal the ulcer first. Following this, the veins need to be investigated and treated. The best way to treat the ulcer is to use regular dressings with 3/4 layer compression bandage. If the ulcer is yet to develop then one could do the Duplex scan of the veins which will establish the details of the problem and reveal if the deep veins are patent and competent. It will also elucidate the extent of the valvular incompetence, including the territory affected i.e. whether it is only Long Saphenous Vein territory or there is Short Saphenous vein involvement as well. With this information appropriate treatment(operation) can be done. It is important to treat the leg properly when the ulcer are developing as failing to do that will perpetuate the problem.