Is there any cure for breast lumps?
Q: My wife is 29 years old, married for the past one year with no kids. Two years back she noticed lumps in one of her breasts. Recently she had a thorough medical examination where the doctor advised her for a mammography and sonography. After evaluating the report it was found that the lumps were present in both the breasts. We had a needle aspiration done and the doctor advised for surgery to remove them. Finally, we decided to remove the big ones, which were sent for biopsy and was cleared for any kind of cancer. However, the doctor claimed that there was a possibility that the lumps may return back and he assured that there is nothing to be afraid of. I would like to know if there is any permanent solution by medicine to prevent them from coming again? Please advise if there is any risk involved in keeping it there, as to operate and remove it every now and then is not practical?
A:1 It appears that you wife has either fibroadenosis or fibroadenomas.2. There is no pill to melt them.3. Breast self examination, every month, should be done to check the breast lumps.4. One to two yearly ultrasound and or mammography should be done to compare with the previous one.In case of increase in lesion size, go to your doctor.