
Is there a permanent treatment for psoriasis?

Dr Rishi Parashar
Consultant, Department of Dermatology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am 25 years old. I am suffering from planar psoriasis (continual itching and redness only in my foot) for the past six months. Three months back I went to India and consulted a dermatologist. He told me it is due to tension and then he suggested Steroids (Salicylic Acid, Clobetasol). I used these for two months and found some relief in some part of the foot. I am now back in UAE, but there is no relief. Then last month I had some allergy and I consulted a dermatologist here in UAE. She told it is due to food and prescribed XYZAL tablets and for the foot problem she told me to stop the steroids currently and suggested me the Urecare(urea cream). But still I am suffering and I get a lot of itching. What is the permanent treatment for this? A lot of people have been telling me that there is no complete treatment for this and they are suffering for last 20 years. Is this true?

A:Generalised thickening and scaling of the palms and soles (keratoderma) is not rare. Treatment modalities are:

  • Emollients: Thick, greasy barrier creams applied thinly and frequently to moisturise the dry, scaly skin and help prevent painful cracking.
  • Coal tar: To improve the scale and inflammation because of the mess, often applied at night under cotton gloves.
  • Keratolytic agents such as UREA or Salicylic acid to thin down thick skin
  • Topical steroids: Ultrapotent ointment applied initially daily for two to four weeks, if necessary under occlusion, to reduce inflammation, itch and scaling. Maintenance use only at weekends to avoid thinning of the skin and causing the psoriasis to become more extensive. More severe disease usually requires phototherapy or systemic agents such as PUVA and Acertretin.