Is there a permanent cure for hyperpigmentation?
Associate Professor and Head,
Dermatology and STD Department, JIPMER,
Q: I am suffering from hyperpigmentation. I am 43 yrs old and undergoing problems of menopouse too. Since 6 months, I have noticed black patches on my face. I consulted a skin specialist who asked me to apply RETINO A and HYDE cream but that has not given me any relief. I am so upset! Is there any permenant cure for hyperpigmenation? I cant go out wih my face so bad. Kindly advise.
A:From your description, it appears as if you are suffering from melasma. One of the treatment option is the same as you have written. Photoprotection is also essential. Other treatment options are to use topical steriod along with above or replace Retino A with Kojic acid or laser therapy. All these therapies are required to be done under physician care. So please consult your dermatologist.