
Is the fasting blood sugar more important and how to avoid diabetic complications?

Dr Anju Virmani
Consultant Endocrinologist,
Sunder Lal Jain Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My glucose level (fasting) varies between 90-140. My doctor says, only the fasting test is important. There is no need of PP test. He has also recommended glycephage 500 mg (one in the morning with breakfast), glimpride 1 mg (one with breakfast and one with dinner). Please advice the function of both medicines. Do these medicines control the sugar level or generate insulin also?

A:A. Control sugar or generate insulin: Glimpride makes the pancreas produce more insulin which controls the sugar level, and thus has a higher chance of causing weight gain and also low sugars if a meal is missed or unexpected exercise occurs. It needs to be taken 30 minutes before a meal to be able to work well. Glyciphage makes the existing insulin work more efficiently, and can be taken before or just after a meal. It does not cause weight gain. For someone your height your weight should be 62-68 kg. B. Fasting, PP and overall sugar levels are all equally important if the complications of diabetes are to be prevented or controlled. In any case diabetes is not a sugar disease but a metabolic problem which affects all parts of the body and needs care at several levels:1. Get glycosylated haemoglobin tested every 4-5 months: this is what gives an idea of overall diabetes control.2. Test blood sugars (fasting and post breakfast, and ideally at night) systematically, at least 1-2 a month, and keep track of the values. 3. Maintain your BP as close to normal (120/80) as possible: definitely not more than 126/86 mmHg.4. Make sure your blood lipid levels are tested at least once a year, and maintained in the normal range.5. Make sure your retina, kidney function, ECG and peripheral nerves are tested at least once a year.6. Make sure you are exercising (eg. walking) regularly. Regular exercise is essential for everyone, but more so for diabetics.7. Make sure your diet is balanced: preferably in the form of a 3-meal-3 snack regimen, with low fat in cooking, low fat milk, plenty of fiber (fruits, salads, whole daals), moderate protein and fat, moderate salt and sugar, plenty of water.A good place to get further information is the ADA site: