Is thalidomide useful in multiple myeloma?
Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi
Q: Please provide me the details of the drug - thalidomide, actions, side effects. Is it helpful in multiple myeloma?
A:Thalidomide is available in India under the trade name of Thalix and is marketed by Dabur. It is indicated for treatment of multiple myeloma but should be prescribed and used under strict supervision of specialists. It must never be used in women of child bearing age unless two contraceptive methods are concurrently used. Babies born to women using thalidomide have a very high chance of giving birth to deformed babies. Main side effects are: drowsiness, constipation, rash, numbness, tingling, dryness of mouth, migraine, etc.