Is tetanus toxoid necessary?
Professor of Medicine,
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), USA
Q: 1) An iron nail (generally used by shoemakers) pierced my right heel a year back. The nail did not seem to be rusted and went in about 1/2 cm through my sandals. I took the injection which is required after such incident after 4 days. Now I want to ask you, within how many days should we take such an injection and if it is delayed, what are the consequences? What are the consequences if such an injection is not taken at all? Also please tell me more about the pros & cons of such incident. i.e. nail piercing, dog bite, injury by glass, etc. 2) My left eye gets red sometimes but only the left half (partial redness). The nerves in the eyes are visible. Also, some discharge from the eyes is seen in the morning when I get up which reduces as the day passes by. Please help.
A:Skin injuries are liable to become infected with a variety of bacteria. The worst is tetanus, but a prophylactic injection of toxoid within a few days is protective. However, the longer the delay, the less reliable is the benefit, and after a couple of weeks, it may be too late. Bites can cause severe local infection and in some cases more serious consequences follow, such as heart valve infection. Antibiotics, and rest of the infected area (such as an arm sling) may be advisable. In serious cases stitches or surgery.Red eyes are commonly the result of direct irritation, and simple eye drops may provide adequate treatment. In rare cases, especially if the condition persists continuously or worsens, a serious problem may be present, and an ophthalmologist should be consulted.