
Is surgery required to correct rickets?

Dr (Mr) Ramani Narasimhan
Consultant Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon,
Apollo, New Delhi

Q: I have a 17 months old son who is suffering from rickets. When he walks his legs are not straight and the doctor told us that the legs will become straight when he grows up. He gave him Malcavit syrup twice daily. He did his blood and urine test. He also took and X-ray after which rickets was confirmed. Please suggest does he need surgery?

A:Bowleggedness is common in the 1st 2 years, which is normal for that age. Rickets is diagnosed when all 3 - clinical, biochemical (blood work-up) and radiological evidence is present. So if your orthopaedic surgeon says that the deformity would correct itself, then just give it time and keep a follow-up.