
Is surgery necessary for a uterine fibroid?

Dr Geeta Chadha
Senior Consultant, Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am a woman of 49 years, married, with three children aged 27, 25 and 23. Of late, I have been suffering from irregular bleeding which is sometimes very heavy, sometimes of a longer duration. One doctor prescribed DUOLUTON L. Even after using it, the problem persists. I have bben having regular check-ups, including scan, and the doctor assured me that my uterus is perfectly ok. She gave me iron tablets and calcium for general health. This is from a leading gynaecologist in Chennai. Now my problem is that I had severe bleeding for 20 days in December and, with a gap of 10 days, bleeding for another 15 days in January. I went for a check up where a scan revealed a fibroid of 1.8 cms near the cervix. I also developed high BP (170/130 mm) which is now under control after using TENOCLOR 50mg one in the morning. I am given RARICAP COMBI for 2 months after which I have to go for a check-up again. The doctor assures me the the fibroid will heal by that time. As she has not given any specific medicine for the fibroid, how will it heal by itself? If, in the meantime, it increases do I have to undergo an operation? I dont want things to go to that level while it is still in the early. Please suggest what to do and what treatment I should undergo?

A:I am of the opinion that at your age if you are continuously experiencing heavy bleeding and the ultrasound does show a 2 cm. size fibroid, then you should definitely go for a Hysterectomy. And your BP could be controlled by your physician pre-operatively.