
Is refractive error genetic?

Dr Rishi Mohan
Consultant Ophthalmologist, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 27 years old man having eye power of 8 in the left eye and 2 in the right eye. I am soon to be married but my life partner also has a refractive error. If I marry her, will our children too get the refractive error? What are the chances for the children to get refractive error, if both the parents have it? Please advise.

A:The union of parents with a refractive error, children will have refractive error too. Keeping a close watch on the infant and early evaluation of the child will pick up any refractive error at an early (rather than late) stage. Thus early correction will allow the child's sight to develop well. Once powers have stabilized after 18 years of age, correction by Lasik will remove the power.