
Is Raricap Forte good for pregnancy?

Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi

Q: I am 24 weeks pregnant and would like to know if Raricap Forte, which contains ferrous calcium citrate, contains calcium? If it contains calcium what is the quantity of calcium in the tablet? The reason I am asking this is because I would like to take a medicine that contains all the vital constituents needed during pregnancy like iron, calcium and folic acid.

A:During pregnancy only most essential medicines should be taken i.e. folic acid and iron if there is anaemia. Please keep in mind that contrary to popular belief, other vitamin-mineral supplements are not only not needed but actually can do harm. We have just received information that unnecessary consumption of vitamin E can lead to cancer. Intake of excessive calcium leads to crystals in urine and even kidney stones. Both tomatoes and spinach (palak) interact with calcium and lead to crystals if taken in excess. Raricap Forte contains just 0.3 mg of folic acid which is not adequate. The minimum should be 0.5 mg though up to 1.5 mg or even 5 mg is still better. You can take Probofex capsule one daily that contains 1.5 mg of folic acid per capsule along with iron.