
Is Ramipril a better drug than Lisinopril?

Q: I am a 47-year-old male. I had MI (myocardial infarction) with CABG (coronary artery bypass grafting).I would like to know which is the best drug in ACE class, Lisinopril or Ramipril. I am taking the following drugs: Corcor 2.5 mg (beta blocker); Covance D 50 mg (ACE); Aspirin 300 mg; Stravstin / Atrovastin 40 mg and Stanlip 150 mg. I am interested in changing the ACE as we are supplied with Lisinopril or Ramipril.

A:Ramipril and Perindopril are better studied in primary prevention trials than Lisinopril. Ramipril also has tissue activity. You can choose Ramipril over Lisinopril. Lisinopril is ideally used once daily. Ramipril may need to be taken twice daily if the BP response with once daily is not adequate (in most cases, once daily dosage is enough).