
Is pelvic pain a sign of preterm delivery?

Prof Mini Sood
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
University Technology Mara,

Q: I am into my 36th week of pregnancy. This is my second pregnancy. I have been experiencing pelvic pain for the last few days. I get this pain when I try changing position or while sleeping and also while getting up after sitting. Is this an early sign of preterm delivery. I don’t want to deliver before 40 weeks.

A:Your wanting or not wanting to go into labour will have nothing to do with how and when pains start. They can at any time after 37 weeks and it is safe and fine for the baby. The signs of labour are pain back radiating to abdomen and legs/ bleeding/ leaking and frequent urination. The first stage of labour can last 6-8 hours and the delivery of baby and placenta another 1 hour.