
Is Olisat a safe drug for weight loss?

Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 51 years old male, 5’10 tall and weigh 98 kg. I have started taking Olisat 120 mg for weight reduction twice after meals at lunch and Dinner. I never take breakfast. I am doing small sessions of yoga also with the help of an instructor and use standing vibrating machine for 20 minutes almost daily. Earlier I used to take Sibutrim twice daily. I drink alcohol five days a week. Does Olisat have any side effects?

A:There is hardly any benefit of taking any weight reduction medicine if diet is not controlled. Taking such a high calorie alcohol 5 days a week will only make matters worse. Sibutramine has already been banned in entire Europe for causing severe side effects on heart. The mechanims of action of orlistat is to reduce absorption of fat consumed by the patient. If diet habits are not changed, orlistat will also not help. Its side effects include: Faecal urgency/incontinence, oily stools, flatus with discharge, increased defecation, g-i upset, respiratory infections, influenza, headache, anxiety, fatigue, UTI. Raised liver enzymes, hepatitis, rectal bleeding. Abdominal distension.