
Is nose block common in newborns?

Dr Satish Saluja
Consultant Neonatologist,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I have a new born male child aged 3 months. The problem with the newborn is that he has got difficulty in breathing because of nose block. We consulted the doctor and he suggested putting saline drops in the nose. But still the breathing is difficult and because of it he gets up from the sleep and coughs at times. The problem is acute in the morning hours. His birth weight was 3 kg and he is now 4.5 kg. He is on mothers breast feed. So how to get over his problem of nose block, we also try taking out physically through cotton buds, which at times gives him some relief. Will this problem get over as he grows or does he needs medication?

A:Nose block in newborns is quite common. It bothers most during late night and early morning hours. Most useful treatment is to instill saline drops as often as required. If you find any secretions in the nose don't use a cotton bud to clean the nose from within as this may cause more trauma. After putting saline you may use a mucus aspirator after consulting your pediatrician who shall be able to teach you the technique without causing trauma. This problem should gradually resolve as the baby grows.