
Is non-vegetarian food safe during pregnancy?

Ms Arunima Saha
Nutrition Counsellor,
Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals,

Q: I am 8 weeks pregnant and a non-vegetarian. I want to know if the intake of non-vegetarian food is safe during pregnancy? Is it true that I cannot have prawns and chicken since it is believed to be hot in nature? I want to know what kind of non-vegetarian food items are allowed?

A:Consumption of a non-vegetarian diet is not harmful during pregnancy at all. Please continue with intakes of chicken, fish, egg, etc. unless you have any particular allergy towards these foods. Ideally, an intake of a portion of either of the non-vegetarian foods everyday can contribute to healthy growth of the baby by providing essential fatty acids to the mother’s body. Avoid very spicy food preparations (both vegetarian and non vegetarian) as they induce acidity during pregnancy more often than in non-pregnant state.