
Is my wife suffering from Sjogren's syndrome?

Dr Sandeep Saluja
Consultant in Medicine,
Saran Ashram, Dayalbagh (Agra)

Q: My wife is 35 years old. My wife has been suffering from various unrelated symptoms for some time now. They are - dryness and burning of eyes, arthritic pains in all the bones, dryness/parched mouth, extreme weakness and fatigue. Each of these symptoms were treated separately by specialists without any solution. Various diagnostics like ANA, RA factor etc. were all negative. Recently, a friend suggested that this could be Sjogrens syndrome. I searched the Internet and found that it seems to confirm the theory. My wife undergoing ayurvedic treatment right now. What are the conclusive tests available to check for Sjogren's syndrome? Does this disease have a cure? Can it be fatal or lead to cancer?

A:Yes, your description is indeed consistent with Sjogren syndrome. Blood tests called anti SSA & anti SSB can be useful. Sometimes, biopsy of the inner aspect of the lips is done but does not appear necessary in this case. There is no cure but she can be definitely helped with certain medications like hydroxychloroquine, artificial saliva and artificial tears. Non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs may also be used. She needs regular monitoring and in case of any further complications, some other medications can be used. There is a higher chance of certain malignancies like lymphoma occurring in such patients.