
Is my wife being given the right drug?

Dr Chandra M Gulhati
Editor, MIMS,
New Delhi

Q: My wife is 28 year old and pregnant for the first time. The doctor recommends her to take Folinext-D and Lyco 4 once daily up to 15 days. Is she being given right medication?

A:Folinext-D contains folic acid, methylcobalamine, alpha lipoeic acid, vitamin B-1 and B-6. It is an irrational combination of several agents in sub-therapeutic doses and is not allowed to be sold in any advanced country. The only useful and essential ingredient is folic acid, which should be taken by all pregnant women. Folic acid alone is sold as Folet 5 mg. Lyco has absolutely no role in pregnancy. During pregnancy minimum, most essential medication should be taken. Unfortunately under the influence of aggressive marketing by drug companies, unnecessary medicines, which may even be harmful are being administered.