
Is my wife at a risk of abortion?

Prof Mini Sood
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
University Technology Mara,

Q: My 32 years old wife experienced heavy bleeding after removing Copper-T. She is pregnant. We consulted a doctor who suggested some medicines. Yesterday, scanning revealed that the baby’s condition was good. I have a fear that there might be a possibility of problem if she continues pregnancy. My first child (now six years old) was born with delayed milestones and still he is unable to speak fluently. Should my wife continue her pregnancy?

A:Regarding continuing the pregnancy you need to decide between you and your wife. Medically - the pregnancy may continue if bleeding stops. The intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) inside can increase risk of abortion and infection. Copper T does have a 2-3 % risk of failure and pregnancy. You can also wait it out if the fetal heart is seen - and let nature take its course for few days, after which picture will get clearer. If there is any fever your doctor may need to start antibiotics.