
Is my testicular pain due to filaria?

Dr Dharm Raj Singh
Chief of Urology,
Campbellton Regional Hospital,
St. Joseph Health Center,
New Brunswick,

Q: I am a 25 years old male suffering from pain in my right testicle for the last one year. There is no swelling but the right testicle seems to have slightly displaced from its actual position. I do not experience any fever or chills, as in case of filaria. Often I feel pain through my right leg in a narrow line. Last month I consulted a doctor, who concluded that it is due to filaria and prescribed me to take Hetrazan 100 mg twice a day for 20 days. Even though there is some recovery, I still feel some pain. Please suggest me some treatment.

A:There are many causes of testicular pain including inflammation, infection etc. Many points are unclear from your question. If you noticed some displacement of the testis then you should be evaluated and examined by an urologist. Sometimes abnormal testis position like bell clapper deformity can cause intermittent testicular pain. You may need to have ultrasound of the scrotum for detailed evaluation of the testes like size, position, vascularity, lump, varicocoele or any other abnormal findings. Further treatments should be directed based on these findings.

Are you wearing very tight or very loose underwear? Do you have associated perineal pain, abnormal urethral discharge, history of testis trauma or any difficulty in voiding? If ultrasound and physical findings are all normal and if you continue to have bothersome pain then you may need scrotal support, anti-inflammatory or antibiotic medication etc.