
Is my son’s behaviour normal?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: My three years old son does not speak properly. But he speaks few lines very clearly. If we ask him to recite any poem, he eats up many words. Whenever I make him sit to do colouring, he looks disinterested. He enjoys writing numbers and alphabets but not in a proper way. He always wants to play with his brother and his friends or his cars. He is very fond of cars and does not want to learn anything.

A:It seems to me that your three year old is a normal three year old. He likes to play with his brother and his friends, loves cars, and gets bored when you force him to do something. I feel that the problem is the expectation that you have, that he should be writing 'properly' and behave like a well brought up parrot! Send him to a play school that is really a play school and has many activities and a lot of freedom for children to work at their own pace. And stop worrying. Each child is unique and does not need to fit into a specific mould. When you realise that, everything will fall into place. Both parents should have the same ideas on these matters, to avoid arguments.