
Is my problem related to masturbation?

Mahendra Bhandari
Professor of Urology, Director Clinical Research,
Henry Ford Hospital,
Detroit, USA

Q: I am 43 years old male. I had a UTI and was put of some antibiotics for a few days. On discussing my symptoms with a doctor, I was asked to get a USB KUB done. This test revealed an enlarged prostrate of 30gm (3.6 x 4.1 x 3.8). The urine random test was OK. The kidneys and the urinary bladder were normal and there was no residual urine volume. On seeing the reports, the radiologist and the doctor ruled out the possibility of cancer. Subsequently, I was put on Urimax F and Neeri Syp by our family doctor. The KUB was repeated after 2 months and the report was the same as above. I was put on Urimax F, Himplasia and Cystone. When the KUB was repeated again in July 07, the prostate size showed as 35gm(3.5x4.8x4.0). The kidneys and the urinary bladder were normal and there was no residual urine volume. The urine test was also OK. I continued taking the same medications. Now, the urine flow seems to be OK though no test was carried out for that. My symptoms are: 1. Dribbling of urine, especially after urinating 2. Sometimes a sense of not urinating fully. I used to masturbate, before getting married. My penis size is small. But I get a decent erection. I have never had sex with anyone except my wife. For the last few months, there is a white discharge, which is bothering me a lot. Is this problem due to masturbation? Is it abnormal to have this disease at this age? I am extremely tensed and stressed. There are a lot of negative thoughts in my mind. Like what will be the reaction of my wife, kids, family and friends, when they will come to know about my problem. I am unable to sleep properly. I am not able to concentrate on my job. Please tell me what to do.

A:You seem to be suffering from a lot of problems which seem unrelated to each other. 1. You have mild prostatism. At your age, this can be easily solved with medicines. You don't need a to get any surgery done, nor bother about it being a cancer.2. Masturbation has nothing to do with your current problems. For white discharge, you should seek advice of your urologist. Do not feel guilty about masturbation. Majority of males do it, even after marriage and without any harm.3. With regards to your perception about the reduction in the size of penis, you need to talk to your urologist. Usually these are psychological perceptions.