
Is my leg pain due to pulled hamstring?

Prof Dr S Bakhtiar Choudhary
MD (Sports medicine), Senior Consultant Sports medicine, Ergonomics and Obesity
President, Indian Association of Occupational Health (AP) & Indian Federation of Sports medicine (AP)
Hyderabad - 82

Q: I am a 15 years old boy. About a week ago, I had a hamstring strain. Yesterday, I was running during the softball practice and got severe pain in both my legs. I could barely walk, but I kept on running to finish the practice session. I'm still having the pain in my legs. Is pain in my legs due to pulled hamstring?

A:It is uncommon to have both hamstrings pulled; I think your muscles are not well conditioned enough to take the load of the intense game. Remember, it is important to have good fitness regimen for playing any game as games do not provide all-round fitness. I suggest you take rest for 3-4 days and gradually start the game and follow good fitness routine and do good warm-up and limbering down regularly. Playing a competitive game with pain means inviting a serious injury, so refrain.