
Is my fever linked to elbow pain?

Dr Monica Mahajan
Associate Director,
Internal Medicine,
Max Hospital, New Delhi

Q: I am a 33 years old female residing in USA for the last two months. I am suffering from mild fever for the last four days. In the morning, fever remains at 97 degree Fahrenheit, and fluctuates between 98 and 99.2 degree Fahrenheit in the evening. I am also experiencing pain in my right elbow from last two months whenever I pick up a thing weighing more than a kg. Why am I experiencing mild fever?

A:Low grade fever could be part of any flu-like illness. If it is not rising above 100 degree Fahrenheit without any medication, it may resolve on its own in a couple of days. Observe and see the pattern. If there is any associated symptom in the next few days like worsening fever, cough, weight loss, diarrhea, rash, swollen lymph glands etc. then do consult a general physician. The pain in the elbow may be related to repetitive stress due to working on a computer.