Is my father's prostate gland functioning fine?
Division of Urology and Renal Transplantation
Medanta Kidney and Urology Institute
Medanta, the Medicity
Q: My 63 years old father’s ultrasound report revealed a prostatic enlargement measuring 40 x 31 x 35 mm; weight - 24.3. Post void residual urine was found to be insignificant, no enlargement nodes were traced and no retro-peritoneal lesion was identified. Is my father's prostate gland functioning fine? Does he need any treatment?
A:A finding of a 24 ml prostate with insignificant residual urine is not abnormal. Every man has a prostate gland by birth, like uterus in women, and usual volume of prostate in men is 20 to 30 ml. If your father has bothersome urinary symptoms, those could be related to even a small gland. Large and bulky prostate gland, on the other hand, may not always be bothersome. He needs a complete evaluation by a urologist and an analysis of his urinary symptoms. The urologist would also decide the best modality to tackle his urinary symptoms.